Why do I get sick so often

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Why do I get sick so often

Why do I get sick so often

Everyone gets sick. But the frequency of illness may be a sign of a weak immune system beneath a blanket of a strong and aesthetic forefront. Why do we get sick? How often is too often? And what can we do to build our immune systems daily?
Treat the cause not the symptom
Modern day medicines have been treating the symptoms in western societies for years. But the reality is the root cause has been overlooked because a patients main goal is to recover as fast as possible and as easy as possible. This is an understandable goal, but an unsustainable one.
There may be an underlying health disorder. One that is stubborn and untreated and therefore regularly triggering illness as time goes by. It takes vigorous investigations to find the true cause of your health condition and a tailored treatment plan to treat it.
How and why do we get sick?
There are a number of reasons why you may be sick? The following factors may lead to sickness/disease.
– Weak immune system or low immune system
– Weak genetics
– Stress
– Poor diet
– Vitamin imbalances
– Mineral imbalances
– Dehydration
– Leaky gut
– Dysbiosis and SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)
– Lack of exercise
– Poor hygeine
– Viruses, pathogens, parasites and fungal infestations.
– Exposure to environmental toxins and synthetic chemicals
– Lack of sleep/insomnia
– Smoking, alcohol and drug abuse
– Bad oral health
– Not enough sunlight or vitamin D
– Some medication can also lead to medical conditions
– Autoimmune disease
How often is too often?
0 – 2 days per year = healthy immune system
2 – 4 days per year = mildly compromised immune system
4 – 6 days per year = moderately compromised immune system
6 or more days per year = severely compromised immune system
What can we do to strengthen our immune system
Support and correct all the areas mentioned in the “how and why do we get sick?” section.
– Eat an organic whole food diet, containing healthy fats, vegetables, fruits, nuts and good quality protein.
– Consume leafy greens daily, include kale, spinach, silverbeet, dandelion greens, beet greens and sprouts.
– Consume berries containing high levels of antioxidants, include blue berries, Inca berries, goji berries and açai berries.
– Exercise 4-5 days per week.
– Get sufficient sunlight daily, half hour to 1 hour per day.
– Drink sufficient water daily, water calculation 30ml x weight in kg = water needed per day. Up to 50ml per kilogram when exercising.
– Utilise supplements and herbal medicine to strengthen immune system.
– Reduced stress and enjoy life to its fullest!
– Prayer and meditation.
– Improve sleep hygiene.
– Reduce exposure to synthetic chemicals – use only natural household goods, especially toiletries and cosmetics!
– Purchase a water filter.